What Does a Typical Session Look Like? Part 1
This is probably the most common question I get from new clients. Somatics is still an emerging field and is practiced in many different ways. It makes sense that you’d want to know what my approach is and what to expect from a session together.
The truth is there is no “typical” session since each one is tailored to your individual needs, capacity and desired results. Your nervous system has its own characteristics and history which are all taken into consideration as we customize our approach.
Having said that, what I’ve written below will describe how I work and the central philosophies that inform my perspectives. For a more comprehensive context, read my other posts “What Does Somatic Mean?” and “What Does Somatic Mean? Part Two”.
The First Session
Our first session together will mostly involve deep listening on my part so I understand what you want from our time together.
I may ask you some of the following questions:
• “What do you hope to get out of somatics that you haven’t been able to experience with other healing modalities?”
• “How would your life be different day-to-day if somatics works for you the way you hope it will?”
• “How do you want to feel as a result of taking a somatic approach to your well-being?”
• “If you could wave a magic wand, what changes would you make to your life?”
• “Even if it’s not realistic, what would you hope to gain as a result of our work together?”
Discovering the answers to these questions will create the framework for our work. It sets the “north star”, so to speak. Every session thereafter will unfold within the context of your goals and intentions.
Subsequent Sessions
If you are coming to see me, it’s likely something is off in your mind-body connection. You’re tired from having to use techniques and practices to calm yourself. You wish you didn’t have to work so hard to manage triggers. You just want your nervous system to operate smoothly in the background so you can get on with living. You want your mind and body to work smoothly without having to try so hard.
The good news is that’s also the kind of relationship your mind and body want to have. They are biologically wired to work together seamlessly. More good news: that know-how is already in you. In other words, your nervous system comes with its own operational intelligence. A mechanical blueporint, if you will. That being the case, our job is to discover what is getting in the way of your mind-body doing what it already knows how to do. This forms the philosophical foundation to my work.
Why is That Important To Know?
For two reasons. First, it means that we will be looking to you for your answers and not the other way around. I don’t see myself as the authority you consult for the answers. You need to know this up front to decide whether or not we’re a match. If you’re in an urgent situation and need answers or solutions fast, I am not the somatic professional best-suited to support you.
Second, in order to uncover the answers in your mind-body, we will need to get to know its own unique language (more on this later). In each session we will engage in deep listening to learn where the disconnects are.
As they come to light, a reorganization in your nervous system happens. The gaps in are bridged and your system moves towards greater connection and efficiency. This happens organically and spontaneously. They don’t come about by me telling you to move, breathe, tap, stretch, think or effort in any particular way. The mind-body’s know-how is responsible.
When these moments occur, you might observe, “I feel more solid”, “I notice I’m more settled now”, “I feel lighter”, “I’m more like myself” or “I’m not as worried”. Your life haven’t suddenly changed but when your mind and body are integrated, you are more resourced to handle life.
So how do we get there? Read on in Part 2 to find out.
While there is no “typical” session, I work in reliable ways that are informed by my knowledge of the nervous system and certain philosophical principles. I believe your mind and body innately know how work together. The know-how is in you. Our work involves listening to your mind-body and learning its language so we know what it’s telling you. By following its instructions, we can discover where the disconnects are to support spontaneous reorganization toward wholeness. You will know in real time when this is happening by how you feel: lighter, less afraid, more solid and settled.